Sunday, September 27, 2009

Not Me Monday#1

Saw this on my new favorite blog today and can totally relate. It's called Not Me Mondays. I recall the events of the prior week and let go of some of the imperfections I have. It's supposed to be a very freeing and therapeutic exercise. Some embarrassing moments and I few I'dlike to pretend never happened. So here is a list of things I most certainly did not do this week:

I did not run over a curb twice at school the other day with a group of hysterical teenagers watching.

I would never pretend to be asleep when Scott asks me if I could get up and switch the laundry.

I certainly didn't step over a piece of pizza on the floor to get out the door early Saturday morning. That would be gross.

I definitely didn't giggle through baby Petey's baptism. That would be disrespectful.

I wouldn't ever sneak the broken homemade skateboard ramp into Friday morning's trash pick up.

I did not tell Finn to use the cat door because I was too busy to get up and unlock the back door.

I didn't spend over $30 at the thrift shop on things we didn't need that looked really fun.

I would never forget to order an xray and let radiology take the blame when it didn't get done.

I would never day dream about running over the security guard at Gavin's school even after he yelled at me for pausing to drop off Gavin in a handicapped parking spot. That would be unacceptable. I would never do that.

It wasn't me who received a statement from the library stating that I owed $130 in library fines.

I did not long to be pregnant too when I found out my Miss Tammie was pregnant. That would be irresponsible. I would never do that.

I don't know who this person was, but it certainly wasn't me.

1 comment:

  1. Great post! I have never snuck things into the trash either! Somehow it just happens!
