Friday, July 22, 2011

I had a dream

I had a dream the other night.  Not like the Martin Luther King dream but your typical, abstract slightly supernatural type of dream. I dreamt we ventured to a laundry mat.  It was bright and shiny and industrial.  Rows and rows of big loud machines humming and whirring and spinning.  Soap suds were on the floor and it was hot and sticky and humid.  I can remember my dream laundry mat so vividly. 




Which is funny because I’ve never actually gone to a laundry mat in real life.  Well, once in the itty bitty town i grew up in.  I think I crept in to spy on a boy I liked.  Why a 13 year old boy would be in a laundry mat I’m not sure.  Bizarre.  Anyway, I often use my dreams as inspirations for our adventures. 




So today, we went to the laundry mat.  I envisioned an educational fieldtrip of sorts and a fabulous photo shoot opportunity.  They would count their blessings and realize how fortunate they are to be born into a family that has the luxury of doing their own laundry in their own home in their own washer and I would walk away with a memory card full of clever little boys photos.  Instead…



There was little to no education involved and I walked away with ten pictures on my memory card two of which were unusable due to a steamy lens.  I found myself chaperoning a divided group of boys.  Two big boys who have absolutely without a doubt confirmed that I’m crazy and two little boys who have absolutely without a doubt confirmed that I’m the funnest mom ever.  We explored all things laundry until Finn settled on this rather large industrial washer.  I pulled out my camera for a few snaps.  Note that I did not photograph the two wet blankets who sat on the metal chairs slapping at mosquitoes on their bare legs complaining.  “I had a dream the other night that I had a motorcycle.  Ya think she’d let me ride a motorcycle?  DOUBT IT!  I had a dream the other night that she was normal?  Do you think that came true?  NOPE!”  I really wanted to photograph them and document it, but I don’t want to give them a reason to hate the camera.



Speaking of blankets, were you aware that they make a washer that can hold five standard loads of laundry at one time?  That’s a lot of wet blankets.  Our laundry mat field trip was short lived.  Partly because I brought no actual laundry (minus the two wet blankets), and partly because the laundry maid girl found it a little odd that a mother of four would show up at a laundry mat with nothing but her four shirtless boys and a camera.  When she approached the washers, I circled over toward the dryers, when she walked back to the dryers, I made a beeline for the commercial laundry section.  Around and around we went until I could take no more.  We never made actual eye contact but I got her message.




Short lived, but fun.  A little disappointing that we were not able to pile into the laundry cart pictured above.  It would have made for a lovely photo.  We’ll be back.  Maybe we’ll even do a load.  I think I could probably find some dirty laundry around here.  In fact I need to wrap this up because my own washer is attempting to walk across the floor while it spins.  To many wet blankets I guess. 

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