Thursday, November 26, 2009

The True Meaning behind Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving to each and everyone of you. We celebrated in the traditional fashion. Lots of family, lots of food and lots of fun. Thanksgiving is a time to celebrate all or our fortunes and count our blessings. What does the word THANKSGIVING mean to us?

"T" is for Thanks. We created paper table coverings and wrote in crayon all the things we were thankful for this year. Some of us were more creative than others. Some of my favorites were, "lower property taxes", "cold beer", "my hip hop instructor", "God, Jesus, and Mary" and the above dragon.

"T" is also for Turtle necks. Here is SW Florida we don't normally have turtle neck weather so it's fun when we finally have a cool day. I guess a neck isn't a requirement in order to wear a turtle neck.

"H" is for the Handprint turkeys that adorned our homemade table cloth. The boys and their cousins all thought this one looked like it had a camel head. Very funny until one of the older cousins mentioned camel toe and attempted to educate the younger cousins. I quickly distracted them, "Who wants to eat some whipped cream?"

"A" is for all the messes that Thanksgiving makes. I know what I'll be doing after all the guests leave. On a brighter note I'll probably be nibbling on leftovers the whole time, so it'll be all right. Or better yet, Scott will be doing it while I supervise and eat pie.

"N" is for Not having enough furniture and Not caring. We're a very close family and never mind.

"K" is for Kids Kids everywhere. There are nine grandchildren now and you can really feel it at get togethers. Sometimes were lucky enough to get them to play outside.

Sometimes they insist on playing inside.

"S" is for Sinks full of dishes. Two loads in the dishwasher and still some leftover dishes. Seriously, this many dishes from one meal? Maybe next year we should make frozen pizza.

"S" is also for black Friday Sale ads. We went through them all and made our lists.

Some of us got a little too absorbed in the Best Buy ad.

"G" is for Gourd. Here is one of the infamous birdhouse gourds I grew this fall in the garden. On a side note, I had several gourds on a vine hanging on the outside of our fence and the neighbors took them. I hope my gourds look just as festive on their Thanksgiving table. Happy Thanksgiving weird theif neighbors.

"I" is for Inviting all the best cooks. We had a "bring your own food" get together this year. I made the dinner rolls, corn, and beans. Everyone else cooked the hard stuff.

"V" is for the Vast amount of leftovers our feast created. As I cleaned up I made little bags and bowls for everyone. I really don't think I'll need to cook again until mid next week. SCORE!

"I" is for indulging. Finn wasn't shy as he plowed through his piece of pumpkin pie. A report on the worst Thanksgiving foods to eat said that pecan pie was the number one food to avoid. I don't remember how many calories per slice, but I knew that if it had that many calories it must be good and I must have been missing something all these years. So I made sure to try my first piece of pecan pie and confirmed it was well worth every calorie.

"N" is for naps. We ate, watched the Packers and napped. Ahhhhhh... this is the only holiday gathering when you are expected to nap, I love it. I plan to take my nap as soon as I knock out this blog, but Scott just started dragging in the Christmas decorations. Here we go again, the joys of being married to a wonderful, loving, workaholic.

"N" is also for Nice smelling candles. I love pumpkin spice. A little short on candle holders this year as nothing glass lasts very long in our house, so I substituted a styrofoam plate. I'm sure Martha Stewart would approve. Speaking of glass, Finn just smashed his first Christmas bulb.

"G" is for Games. As most of you know I'm a board game fanatic. I am still trying to convert this family into gamers, but it isn't really going well. I am waaaaayy to competitive. Of course my team won, but I really don't think anyone noticed.

"G" is also for Great memories. I try to make every holiday special so the little boys will have one more family memory to store away in their little peanut brains. Hopefully they don't remember this as the year of the camel toe...
And that's what THANKSGIVING means to us.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Here is Gavin in his glory. He is now an aspiring b-boy. I have signed him and Tommy up for break dance lessons. He practices break, pop, lock and krump.

He is completely wiped on Tuesday nights. Breaking is really hard work.

When he is not with Angelo practicing, he is at home on YouTube learning new moves. I trip on him constantly. It is really hard to cook dinner when there's a dance off going on in the kitchen.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

wet jeans and sandy feet

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Friday, November 6, 2009

How badly do you need that shower?

It's three o'clock and I haven't even showered yet. I get Petey put down for a nap and decide to take this opportunity to get a much needed five minute shower. Before getting in the shower I give the boys strict instructions. No going outside, no answering my cell phone or making calls, no cooking anything, yes Gavin, this includes popcorn, no answering the door, no baths, yes Tommy, this includes showers, be nice to each other and yell for me if you need anything. During my four minute shower I do hear some rumblings, but assume it's just little boys doing little boy things and I hear no screaming so decide it's probably OK. WRONG!!! I guess I failed to mention in my little list of rules not to dump out every toy bucket and not to knock over each shelf in the playroom. They really seem quite surprised that I'm upset. Although they do get extra nervous when I get out the camera. As I snap a quick photo, Gavin announces to the other boys that Mom is taking this picture for evidence! Upon further examination, I realize I also forgot to mention no drinking red juice in the living room and no taking Finn's clothes off. Well, don't think I need a crystal ball to tell what these boys are going to be doing for the next three hours!