The boys picked out this car to ride home in after church the other day. They were less than pleased when I scolded them for touching another person’s vehicle. It’s amazing how often I find myself restating this rule. Why is this a problem for us? You would think it would be obvious, but nope. Maybe I need to start pointing out other obvious rules in life like, don't lick the cat and don't put peanut butter in your hair.
reflection: maybe I should have let them put their greasy little hands all over this flashy little convertible, after all, you don’t drive a car like this hoping not to get noticed, the idea is to draw attention to your car right? Mission accomplished, we were interested.
Finn really wanted to stand and admire it. He promised not to touch anymore so we stood there for about five minutes and I took lots of photos while he inched as close as possible without technically touching it.
reflection: maybe I shouldn’t have let Finn stand quite so close and maybe I shouldn’t have taken quite so many pictures as it made me look very suspicious and actually attracted the attention of the parking lot police man. “Is that your car?” Nope, we’re actually the van over here. I suppose he was just doing his job and so I opened the van door and tried to convince the little boys that convertible's weren't really that practical and vans are much safer. This advice did little to convince them to step away from the car, but eventually they did wander back over to reality and join me in the slightly less flashy van.
oh, I have made so many rules I never thought would come out of my mouth since having a child!