Dear GOD... Thank you for all the great big things in life. But equally important, Thank you for some of the smaller things like glitter and felt and the one pair of sharp scissors in the junk drawer. Thank you for the
Bissell Cyclone
vacuum that does a great job picking up
handfuls of gold glitter off the floor.

Dear GOD... thank you for Men's Warehouse and their really reasonable suit rentals. Thank you also for the
tactful women that work there. They are very patient while measuring totally
embarrassed 7 year old boys' inseams. Maybe try to convince them to drop the late fees though. They don't seem to have much compassion even when customers have really great reasons why they returned their suit 2 days late.

Dear GOD... Thank You for little boys who are willing to learn all their prayers for first communion. Hail Mary,
Guardian Angel, Lord's Prayer, Sign Of The Cross and Act Of Contrition. This was
alot of work. Thank you for the long van rides and bad traffic on the way to religion classes that gave us the
opportunity to practice all these prayers. Thank You also for eavesdropping little brothers that have no doubt absorbed some of these prayers as well.

Dear GOD... Thank You for little boys that sleep during mass and grandmas that like to hold them. Thank you for the fairly unexciting church music and the slightly off key children's choir that lulls these little boys to sleep.

Dear GOD... Thank You for providing the front pew for us so that Finn has the entire church audience to entertain. Thank you for putting all of the perfectly behaving children all the way on the other side of the church so I don't have to watch them sitting there like perfect little old ladies and feel like a bad mom. Thank You for sitting me near the squealing babies and toy throwing toddlers so I feel like I'm average.

Dear GOD... Thank You for grandmas and their purses and all the fun things they keep in their purses. Thank you for granting these grandmas the patience to let rambunctious little boys wear their glasses.

Dear GOD... Thank You for inspiring holy people to lead our children down your path. Thank You for providing some of these people a sense of humor. This sense of humor helps keep us awake during long homilies. Thank you also for providing a select few priests with a good internal clock, for the record, it's always appreciated when mass ends on time.

Dear GOD... Thank You for these little moments of grace within a
tornadoes of
boyness. Thank You also for really fast digital cameras that can catch these moments.
Dear GOD... Thank You for teaching me to pick my battles and forgive... When the cake decorator boy at Publix spells Gavin's name G-A-B-I-N, thinks communion has only one m and chooses a girly cake design... Thank you GOD for giving me the grace to give my best smile of approval when cake boy proudly shows me his creation. And finally Thank You for convincing the cake boy that his true passion is cakes and not tattoos!
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