Dear Mrs Zani and Mrs Mo,
Last fall, I dropped off a slightly apprehensive, nap taking, non name writing, nervous, four year old little boy. Tonight I brought a very outgoing, non napping, name writing, excited five year old boy to his speech therapy graduation. And on Tuesday, (I'm sure you'll breathe a sigh of relief) he will have completed his Pre K program with you.
Thank you for shaping and molding this little creature into a smarter, better behaved, more talented little creature. But thank you also for putting up with us this year. I never wanted to be the PTO super classroom mom, but I think I fell a bit too far to the other end of the spectrum. I admit and own the fact, that I was the mom that didn't bring classroom snacks, didn't have a child with a great attendance record, didn't spend time as a classroom volunteer, even missed a parent conference and lastly, did forget to pick up Tommy on time on more than one occasion. So I humbly own the fact that I wasn't the most cooperative parent in the group but thank you for carrying on without me. You have been very understanding of this time sucking nursing program and seem to understand the pressure I'm under. A student raising little students seems at times like the blind leading the blind.
Thank you for touching our lives and shaping Tommy's and we'll see you in a few years with the next one.
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