This is the boys who will almost always cooperate for impromptu photo shoots (as long as I let him make up the poses)…
This is the boy who magically appears on my lap every time I sit down with anything to eat, “Mom, bite, bite, bite, my turn, bite. bite, bite”…
This is the boy who talks to strangers…
This is the boy who would gladly go home with said strangers…
This is the boy who goes to swim every night and cheers on his older brothers…
This is the boy who still sleeps between us…
This is the boy who battles his brothers daily for the top dog position…
This is the boy who wins most of those battles from his sheer ferociousness, high pitched battle cry and unbreakable intensity…
This is the boy I hide my high heels from…
This is the boy who won’t let grandma out of his sight (even accompanying her to the bathroom)…
This is the boy who dreams about school buses and backpacks…
This is the boy who loves his cats so much they now hate him…
This is the boy who can’t wait for his little brother to wake up each morning so they can resume battle from the day before…
This is the boy who begs for another little brother…
This is the boy who gets away with so much because he does things like this…
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