Friday, October 29, 2010

At The Beach

At the beach, you can put your hands and feet in the sand instead of your head...

At the beach you can swim with your pants on...

At the beach you can show your true colors...

At the beach you can claim your very own piece of the pie...

At the beach you can act cool as a cucumber...

At the beach you can put your differences aside...

At the beach you can reach for the stars...

At the beach you can stare out into the ocean and think deep worldly thoughts... 

At the beach you can band together and foil your mom's plan for the perfect Christmas card...

At the beach your can broaden your horizons...

At the beach you can reach out to the less fortunate, the short legged and diapered...

At the beach you can pull your own weight and that of your best friend...

At the beach you can be the leader of the pack...

At the beach you can become four peas in a pod...

At the beach you can get your feet wet...

At the beach time stands still...

At the beach you can march to the beat of a different drum...

At the beach a picture is worth a thousand words...

At the beach you can hear the seagulls cheer and the waves roar as we trek back to our van with four very wet, very sandy boys. 

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