I don't even know what day it is today, but it is high time for some confessions and a not me Monday.
I didn't come home this week to find a dead bird in the middle of the living room floor. I didn't tell Tommy to get his gardening gloves on and remove it and I certainly didn't glance into the backyard later to see Finn carrying it around while Tommy sprayed it with the hose. Therefore, I most cerainly didn't donn my own gardening gloves and throw it over the fence into the nieghbor's back yard.
I didn't let Tommy go to pre K with no underwear today because I couldn't stand the thought of having my 8th argument with him before nine am.
I didn't go to Target today and buy two packs of little boy socks because I am behind on laundry.
I didn't hurt my back last night trying to demonstrate a new break dance move for the boys.
I didn't walk to the bus stop barefooted this week
I didn't buy a can of lactose free formula just because it was on the clearance shelf
I didn't let Finn take six baths the other day because I was busy trying to get my taxes done
I would never pick up a broken air cleaner that someone was throwing out and bring it home only to call the company and tell them it wasn't working and they most certainly wouldn't tell me it had a five year warranty and that they were shipping me out a new one.
I would never sweep my entire house just because I was too tired to look for the new vaccum bags that I lost.
I would never give my child Worchestire sauce to drink even if they begged for it and I would never laugh as they choked and sputtered
It wasn't me who fed the cat pea soup because we were out of cat food
We would never go for two months with out ketchup and Windex because they weren't on sale yet
And finally I most certainly wasn't me who laughed until I almost lost my bladder function when my poor husband fumbled his way through the dark very cluttered garage on crutches with on ankle in a cast tripped over some hockey sticks and fell over the lawn tracker while flailing his crutches around and knocking a shelf over. That was definetly some other ungrateful wife!